My name is Brandon Moore
Who am I?
I am a fourth year Computer Science and Engineering student at The Ohio State University. At OSU I was introduced to Linux, and have been transfixed ever since. I currently run Arch Linux on my two machines, and I am the President of the Open Source club at OSU. I enjoy the learning experience offerred not just in the classroom, but in clubs, hackathons, and from my peers as well. I am most happy with a terminal open, typing away on a project in Vim.
Languages are fascinating to me. I currently consider myself fairly fluent in Spanish after over 6 years of learning, and am currently working on learning Irish Gaelic (differentiating it from Scottish Gaelic), Russian, and Esperanto via Duolingo.
Martial arts
I practice Kenpo karate under the rank of ichikyu. Kenpo acts as a nice source of exercise, and a necessary distraction from constantly staring at a screen.
Although extremely out of practice, I enjoy the chance to take a break and try to play a song or two on piano, guitar, or drums. Playing either from memory, poor sheet music reading, or some basic patterns like I-V-vi-IV.
Tech clubs at OSU
OpenSource Club
I currently preside as the benevolent dictator of OpenSource Club. We focus on technology talks and opensource news while helping others with Linux and other opensource technologies. As benevolent dictator, I have organized meetings, documented operations for future leaders, fostered relations vital to the club, and even taken over the sysadmin role at time working with tech such as LDAP
Collegiate Web Developers Group
Collegiate Web Developers Group, which I will refer to as CWDG, has provided me with experience in the world of web development. From simple HTML to static web generators to web frameworks like Rails, Through talks and projects I have learned about different platforms and technologies used in the web today. What's even better than the tech? The late night doughnuts with friends after these meetings.
A small list of SOME of the technologies I use from operating systems to version control systems to programming languages.